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Privacy Notices

Find out more about who we share your information with, why we share it and how it is shared.

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Who we share information with...

Your Parrywood Childcare setting is a "Data Controller"  That means we gather, store and distribute information. There are a few key services where, in order to fulfil our contractual obligations with you, we share your personal information. 

Click on the links below to find their full privacy statements, directly on their own websites.

Hampshire County Council are our Local Authority.  


We share lots of information with them, from your child's name, address, date of birth and attendance pattern, to details of your (their parents/carers) addresses, National Insurance Numbers and family income, for the purposes of claiming funding; as well as lots of information about us as a childcare provider.  We collect the information on paper forms which are updated throughout the year.  This information is transferred to an online "funding portal" which enables us to claim the appropriate funding for your child.  We are legally obliged to share this information so, if you do not consent, we are unable to meet our statutory duty and cannot provide an early years education for your child.


We may also share information with other services such as paediatricians, speech and language therapists, educational psychologists, occupational therapists, inclusion support officers, local early years settings (where a child is shared or transferring) and local primary schools (where children are transferring); this will usually be done with your consent.  This is usually shared by formal reports or telephone/video call meetings.  These will be held as part of your child's personal records and passed on to their new early years setting/primary school when they transfer.


There are occasions where we may share your information without consent, where the law allows us to do so; such as for the purposes of safeguarding the well-being of your child, and your family.  This information may be shared with the local social services team or emergency services, where consent would be automatically assumed for the purpose of delivering urgent or life saving treatment.  Safeguarding records will be passed, in full, to your child's new early years setting/primary school and an electronic, passworded copy will be kept by the setting until your child's 25th birthday.


You can find their full privacy notice here. (This takes you to Hampshire County Council's website)

Nursery in a Box is a web-based program that we use to help manage the day-to-day admin of running a childcare setting.  The information you provide is held on their servers for us to access using authorised log-ins.  We ask you to fill in everything from your child's full name, date of birth, usual address and important medical history to your name, address, e-mail address and telephone numbers.  We also ask you to provide two emergency contacts (Names and telephone numbers) incase you cannot be reached.  We also hold children's learning journeys on this system, which will include photographs, videos and text about your child's achievements at the setting.  We will keep electronic copies of important documents like court orders, doctors reports and other letters we may receive at the setting (where there is not a safeguarding concern for sharing the document) on this system as well.  We also record accidents/incidents at the setting or at home, nappy changes, prescription medications administered, your child's attendance, your fees paid and owing and many other things are all recorded on Nursery in a Box.  This means all the information is in one handy place, and means you only need one log in to access our systems to! (you can even update some information and report absences, view your child's learning journey and their care diary).  


You can view Nursery in a Box's full privacy notice here:


If you do not consent to sharing your information with Nursery in a Box, we will be unable to provide early years education to your child.

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